Supplimentary Music

If I Could Change - Amoura

I'll be honest. I have no fucking clue what I'm doing with my life.I have yet to meet a single person im attracted to, nor do I even know what it's supposed to feel like.I'm stressing out about college and shit. I worry I'll lose my friendships suddenly out of the blue. Shit like that is on my mind.I know that I've been through bad trauma of essentially being stuck in my own goddamn mind for the past 5 years, and I know I have gotten past it but I still worry.

Apparently my idea that "theres nothing after death" pisses people off? I find comfort in it as it lets me know I can do what I want with my life and at the end of the day it doesn't matter if it didn't go to plan.

I'm wanting to explore my sexuality more I guess, it's just discouraging sometimes.I still don't really know myself. Will I ever?

I stress about telling my parents that i'm asexual. I know for a fact they are accepting people but I worry they'd treat this differently.I doubt they even know what it means.

I'm not suicidal, nor depressed, just fucking stressed.

Stay with me here, relax to this music. Listen to the stuff I enjoy yet others appear to not listen to.Really wishing they did. Really fucking wishing they did.If you genuinely enjoy this music, bring up the idea of just chilling and listening to music with me. I'll know what it means.